Thursday, December 4, 2008

Aren't I the prettiest little girl?

When I ran into this shot I just had to post it... I mean, is this the cutest thing ever or what!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sunset Dream

Sunset Dream, originally uploaded by Photo Passion.

just something beautiful and dreamy to take us through the rest of the week.

Friday, November 21, 2008

blurry vision

blurry vision, originally uploaded by naoligc.

sometimes I just dont see things clearly..

for crimbo2008

for crimbo2008, originally uploaded by .waajeed.

An incredibly beautiful shot to get us in the right mood for Christmas!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Golf Sale

Golf Sale, originally uploaded by unusualimage.

very interesting comments have been posted regarding this controversial Banksy piece...


909, originally uploaded by 99hussein99.

Very powerful... As always Bansky says the things we want to say

Friday, October 31, 2008

Long time no see

despues de muchisimo tiempo de ausencia... un regalo para ustedes:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

New York City, need I say more?

Photos from the House that Ruth Built in its final season

Views from NYC


These are just some beautiful compositions I have found along the way.


Frozen Tree

Autumn in Virginia


Sunlight hitting a flower

Earth from above

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Fotos que he tomado alrededor de Washington DC.
Iwo Jima Memorial
Tulipanes por el Iwo Jima memorial
Monuments from Virginia
Washington Monument, summer sunset
Full lunar eclipse
Washington Monument


Getty Museum, LA

Christmas decorations in the Christmas tree in rodeo dr.

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom, Washington DC 2008
The nation's capital hosted over one million visitors throughout the
National Cherry Blossom Festival who were privy to a rare treat: blossoms in bloom for one of the
longest continuous periods in more than twenty years.


Antarctica is the only continent with no nations. No single nation controls Antarctica and it has no government and no indigenous inhabitants. It is a continent dedicated to peace and science.

With love from me to you

Del DF para el mundo, esto es para todos los que creen que cielo no se ve azul...

El gran emperador de los Aztecas es omnipotente; todas las tribus del valle de México y de los territorios vecinos le pagan tributos, pero no todos los pueblos sometidos son felices... Están cansados de entregar hombres y riquezas a sus opresores.
El cacique de Tlaxcala decide un día que ha llegado el momento de libertar a su pueblo de la dominación azteca y empieza una guerra terrible entre Aztecas y Tlaxcaltecas.

La princesa Ixtaccíhuatl, de juvenil belleza, es hija del cacique de Tlaxcala. Popocatépetl, uno de los principales guerreros de su pueblo, le profesa amor callado.
Antes de salir a la guerra, Popocatépetl pide al padre de Ixtaccíhuatl la mano de ésta, si triunfa, y el cacique de Tlaxcala se la promete.

Popocatépetl vence en todos los combates, y a su regreso triunfal a Tlaxcala, el cacique sale a su encuentro y le dice que la muerte le ha arrebatado a Ixtaccíhuatl.
Popocatépetl, ofuscado, toma en sus brazos a Ixtaccíhuatl y empieza a subir montañas y montañas, cargando el cuerpo amado.

Al llegar cerca del cielo, la tiende en la cumbre y se arrodilla junto a ella con una torcha humeante en las manos. La nieve cubre sus cuerpos, formando los gigantescos volcanes que hasta hoy presiden la lontananza del valle de México.

Ajusco, atardecer

Popocatepetl e Ixtazihuatl
Ajusco, atardecer
La mujer dormida despertando

El popo y el sol.